Friday, October 26, 2012

Fattening up for the Slaughter

TGIF.  This week felt like one of those weeks that just.  wouldn't.  end.  I think part of it was the fact of me coming off a post-chemo weekend, and also that I had something going on every night after school.  The days were filled with normal school stuff, but added to the mix was a new student starting (who doesn't speak English - thankfully I have another student who speaks Japanese), and the beginning of a new literacy rotation adding 7 more kids to my classroom.

A lot of you have been asking how the chemo went and how I felt afterward.  The following is a recap - sorry, it's kinda boring...  Friday I felt tired, which I know was mostly due to being done with and exhausted from the stress of chemo day one. 

Saturday I felt like a rock star.  I woke up and made some toast and smoothies.  My mom and I went for a 45 minute walk.  I read, did some schoolwork, slept, and ate like a champ.  While doing all of this, I knew that Sunday could be totally different.  They kept warning me that the steroid would wear off by then. 

Sunday, I just felt "off".  No nausea, but just not myself.  I also had no appetite for anything.  I managed to eat a piece of toast for breakfast, some soup for lunch, and finally Sunday night I managed to eat some dinner after eating some Cheez-its (thanks, Anne!).  All the while I knew that I needed to eat, but just couldn't decide what.  Stein, bless his heart, bought 5 different kinds of mac and cheese to see if one would possibly strike my fancy.  None did. 

Monday I woke up for school and knew that I needed to eat.  Again, nothing sounded good.  Stein suggested that I take one of the nausea pills (the "light" one).  I managed to eat a little toast and got ready for school.

The morning was a blur, and I felt like I could crawl under my desk and fall asleep.  (George Costanza had it right, by the way.)  Thankfully, my student teacher jumped in and was able to teach the morning lessons.  By the afternoon, I was feeling better, and ate a little more.  I was also able to teach the rest of the day.

By Monday night, and the rest of the week, I was feeling back to normal.  I learned, though, that I think I may need to take the Friday and Monday off when I have chemo.  I think my body needs to adjust back to things, and resting and trying to eat will be easier at home than at school.  I'm especially thinking about the point when they say the cumulative effects of the chemo will be worse.  I hope it's not terrible, but I'm prepared to do whatever I need to do to keep strong and healthy.

Right now I feel like these in-between weeks are time to fatten up for the slaughter.  I'm going to take advantage of this time while I have an appetite to eat and enjoy.  I gotta make up for those missing beer and wine calories somehow.  Ben and Jerry's anyone?