Monday, January 28, 2013

Someone Owes Me

So I had the day off today, per my regular chemo-weekend schedule.  Over the weekend, my teacher friends were on Facebook talking about the weather predicted for Monday morning and a lot of comments were flying about a snow day.  I didn't pay attention to them.  Okay, maybe I did a little.

Just last week I really hoped for a snow day on Tuesday.  The temperature was predicted to be in the single digits, with a windchill below zero.  I knew the magic number was -20 degrees.  Be it temperature or windchill, -20 was on my brain.  As with all nights before a possible snow day, I didn't sleep well.  I woke up on Tuesday and turned on the news to hear about the weather.  At first they were saying that the windchill was -17 degress in Ann Arbor.  Not more than 10 minutes later, they said it was -19 degrees.  -19!  One more degree was all that was needed.  Or a little more wind.  Either way, I didn't get the snow/cold day.  I reluctantly pulled myself out of bed and got ready for school.

So this week, when my friends were talking about a snow/ice day, I didn't think it would happen.  Besides, I already had the day off so I didn't have that Sunday night feeling already.  My sub plans were all written, and everything was set.

The phone rang this morning at 6:00 a.m.  Stein was downstairs and answered it.  I shouted, "Are you kidding me??!!"  It was an ice/snow day.  I have to admit, I felt a little gypped.  I didn't get to have that feeling of anticipation.  I didn't get to have that feeling of thinking I had to be somewhere and then suddenly I didn't.  Don't worry, I'm not bitter or anything.  I'm glad for all my teacher friends.  Really, I am. 

I just have one small request:  can the next snow day please be scheduled for a non-chemo weekend?  Please?

1 comment:

  1. You just want what is coming to you. You just want your fair share.
