Where have I been? All over the place, actually. Mentally and physically. It's been a crazy few weeks, having come off the holidays and back to school, trying to get back to the new-new normal.
There was a trip to Chicago to see family for a late Christmas celebration and bid Chris farewell before she went on her little work adventure. There was four days back to school and a visit with my mom before my seventh treatment. There was a week of school after that which was a bit frazzled. And just this weekend, there was a relaxing Friday night, a trip to Lansing to see Billy Elliot, a dinner and breakfast out, a long walk, and a couple fires. Not to mention the luxury of a long weekend without chemo. I'm savoring it.
I'm over the half-way hump and closer to 2/3 done. I've had seven treatments, so I have five more to go. People continue to ask how things are going, and I've said the same thing to everyone. I'm lucky. I know that the chemo could've affected me a lot worse than it has. The doctor seems to think because I haven't experienced many bad effects, that I most likely won't going forward. Which is great news for the girl who makes bargains with God when it comes to being nauseous.
The effect that I've had the most has been fatigue. Yet even the fatigue hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. I thought that I was going to be debilitated by it. I thought I would have to pull a George Kostanza and sleep under my desk at school. It hasn't been that bad. I feel tired the weekend of chemo, but by the following Wednesday, I'm feeling okay.
On the hair front, most of it is gone. What's left seems to be coming off a lot in the shower. It's probably time to shave it, but I'm holding on to the last strands for warmth. You don't realize how much your hair keeps your head warm until it's gone! In the meantime, it helps that it's hat season. Our niece, Gadisse, made nine beautiful hats for me. All different patterns and colors. They're perfect for what I need. I even wear them at night. The wigs just haven't appealed to me, either. I may change my tune in the next couple weeks, but for now, hats seem to fit the bill.
I hope the New Year has been kind to you. So far, so good for me.
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