Part of me says "awesome". Part of me says "ugh". I'm glad that I'm this far along in the process and definitely closer to the end part of the journey, but frankly, I'm tired of it. I'm tired of writing two days of sub plans every other week, tired of the "routine" of chemo days, tired of bracing myself each time while waiting for possible new side effects to appear.
I keep reminding myself that I'm very lucky. Other people who have gone through chemo with various types of cancers like or unlike mine have had a tough road with terrible side effects and not-so-positive results, if any. I'm going to be okay. I'm going to be done with this adventure in a matter of months. In the meantime, I just need to get through the next four treatments. I have to remember that I've already done double the amount of what I have left. This time will go by quickly (I hope).
There are some things planned in the next couple months that are helping to put everything in perspective and keep my mind distracted. We'll be heading to Milwaukee for our annual Marquette basketball weekend with dear friends. That will be followed by my mid-winter break which will be nice. Mickey will be here for two of my chemo appointments, which will be fun. And Stein and I are starting to plan a trip to see Chris in London this summer.
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's getting closer. I will get there and be just fine.
Hang in there! Before you know it, this will be a distant memory and you will be drinking warm beer at a pub.