Wow. What a long, strange trip it's been. And it's only been about 2 weeks. But during those 2 weeks? Well, a whole lot of crap has been thrown our way. Worse than catching that crap has been having to inform our loved ones that this is going on. Believe me, the emotions of it all will always be the hard part for me. I know I haven't physically gone through the worst of it yet, but emotionally it's already begun.
I told Stein that at the beginning of this that we need to find the humor in it all. Everything from being bewildered that the diagnosis came from a receptionist who could give us no other information other than "an oncologist will contact you" to a woman at guest "services" at the hospital who was more consumed with her time-off schedule rather than help us find where we needed to go, to the multiple conflicting messages left on three different phone options (yes, we still have a land line) to schedule us for various procedures. Through that all, we have had time to laugh and continue to laugh. We need to. It could be so much worse. Honestly. I've said this to all of you - while it sucks, there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
So, thank you. Thank you for all your thoughts, prayers, texts, phone calls, gifts, and emails. We're humbled by your care and support.
I have the same outlook on things as you I guess although you are going through a very difficult time you are trying to find the humor in it all. To me that gets me through quite a bit. To all of the crappy people that work in the health field " If you have chosen this to be your profession you need to be aware of the people going through some very hard times and forget about your personal lives for the 8-12 hours that you are there" !! They need to show some compassion and show the people that need the support some quality care!! There, whew!! I just had to get that out for your sake Kelly. If you would like me to come to an appt with you I will and I will raise a huge stink!! I am thinking of you everyday...